Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sweetmeaton BACC - Daisy Chain - Year 2 Winter - Galleons

Welcome back!  I’m Chocolate Galleons, I’m starting off this beautiful winter with the operations of the Sweetmeaton museum. Since it still has a way to go before its true grand opening!

My jewel Jessica has been making sure to come along with me, even with her pregnancy, by more than helping to get her selling technique.

The museum was quickly noticed by nearby reporters.

Lucky me, they were quite impressed by how I used my resources to make beautiful chill outs.

While trying to quickly progress through our milestones, My Jewel and I wanted to find faster ways to make money. Since there seemed to be a push for us to not only finish the museum but also bigger things, such as a university after our name!

(Wouldn’t it be great for our own child could be able to go to a college funded by its own parents?)

It got to a point where we were trying anything to make the crowd happy.

(Sim grinding once more....)

Luckily the extras we added seemed to help attract the younger people, the most difficult other words.

(Or the too poor and unable to enjoy Galleons prices as well) .

Mrs. Sweetmeats even started to check out the latest business, which with the loss of Benjamin is a bit of a triumph for us.
It is known for Candy to not be the easiest customer to deal with in the territory.

Even with the difficult customers, having good friends around always added a bonus to living off of stores.

Sadly we found out, that certain ways of making money wasn’t approved by the high authorities (several counties away).

The most painful part was dealing with the fine, which I was for sure thought was more then what we actually earned out of the special machine that Jess found.

Well we figured out that way of making a pretty penny just wasn’t going to work out for our goals. 

When someone had put bubbles in the fountain for a joke, I knew Jessica and I needed a good break from the museum. The up taking of the museum just seemed to get worse over time... 

Instead we worked on persuading customers to get their groove on at Step by Dreams. 

Though in the end we had similar problems with the regular issue of not picking up their own tab or didn’t like my ways of persuasion.

(Don’t tell my wife, but some sims are a real *&^#!, But that’s just certain sims). 

In the end though, no one showed up for random lessons, they just wanted to chill out. Where Jessica, my dear jewel, knew it was time for us to head back home.

(That is not the sky peeping out from the ceiling...) 

Going home just involved us mainly to hit up the telephone and making plans to revamp the dance studio, it just seemed to be too blah for my own taste.
Pink just wasn’t my color and it seemed like Mrs. Sweetmeats didn’t enjoy it much either. 

Along with Jess and I collecting our roses from the sporadic dates we had while working.  

When we knew the final details where written down, we drove back to Step By Dreams Dance Studio in our new car!

(My Jewel picked it out, definitely a sign I picked a winner with a girl with this good of taste!)

The redone of the lot was to give more a modern feel, Mrs. Sweetmeats may have been toward more of the bright colors while I liked good solid comfort themes. 

We did a small “ReGrand Opening” party to hopefully bring the crowds back in as a storm for returning customers.

(I actually ended up getting bored, and there was a point where these guys had a poker table in the corner to try to get more stars. With regrets on trying to get my dance studio up, I ended up having them restart with a sell and buy back. Then I came up with the idea of Chocolate and Jessica bringing a different flavor to this small town, why there is a bit of a change through all the stores after this). 

Ivy and Cox where the strongest dancers I’ve ever had in some time with our great dance moves.

With the renovations we were able to get a beautiful piano, nothing like dancing to the real thing then a cheap stereo!

Jessica, loved sitting to play for hours. Though her skill wasn’t, my dear jewel, the best anyone has ever heard. Still wondering if I have any hearing loss since her last solo...

With of course the new reopening, Jessica made sure to call one of her good friends.

(My dear jewel, sometimes I have no idea what you are thinking at times...)

I guess whatever makes my girl happy; I know I should just roll with it. 

 With the bringing of Candy, we were finally able to meet the next heir of Sweetmeaton!

With the meeting of young Lolli, we were able to emphasize our family friendly atmosphere at the studio.

Our first child, and the second of the Sweetmeats kids to arrive at the dance studio. Since I’ve seen their son running all over the place enjoying whatever I could offer to him (the one teen to easily persuade).

The dance lessons of course over everything were my favorite part!

During the low periods of business, Jessica and I had found other ways to enjoy our new vehicle.

(Practical reasons of course).

Nothing like breaking in a brand new vehicle!

After our little fun, Jessica had somehow forced made asked me to have a sit down chat with our founder, something that I usually tried to avoid.

This woman's taste in topics, especially around fashion, wasn’t exactly my cup of Joe. 

She herself was about to give up on me until she commented on a topic I found myself more than interested in.

“Can you stand the way sims use oil now a days! In Candy Land there was never such a thing!” Candy moaned about.

“Flowers grew everywhere unlike here, I had to force it all to happen! Thank goodness a bit of Candy Land magic comes from my own DNA.”

(Had no idea what she was talking about, I myself had got one of my men to bring out all the flowers for the lots I paid for.)

“Oh yes! I know exactly what you mean! My own father had one too many fingers in the oil pot to my liking!”I emphasized back, “There was more than a good reason why I left that life!”

“Well its nice citizens like us that will leave this part of SimsWorld at some peace away from all that oil everyone talks about...”

The intriguing conversation was somehow able to get us past our odds at each other and end with an agreement. We are both here in Sweetmeaton to make it a better place, unlike some people I may know of... This maybe the only good conversation we will ever have, but I was pretty impressed about how resolved I felt afterwards. 

When Jessica and I felt like we earned enough money for a good while, we both returned home to continue working on with missions to work on our own goals.

I was able to work on trimming myself down finally!

 (Only taking energizer sessions over eating sure quickened the process!)

While my jewel, was able to be noticed by her skill in cooking!

By the time we were comfortable at our own goals, we headed back to the studio to keep the doors open for the community.

(Don’t think many other sims in this community is going to see as much money as the Galleons do....)

Soon as we unlocked the doors, the hens seemed to get back at it.

(I really wondered what started their true hatred for one another, I had thought these two where good friends?)

It was almost a relief for seeing tears after a smoke of fighting; I didn’t want to have to take the hose out to calm them down.

(And have my Jewel scold me in the end.... grown woman behaving? Questionable.) 

Luckily we had invested in good distractions, another thing that Jess and Mrs. Sweetmeats can keep their friendship.

In the same day, royalty had finally found their way into Sweetmeaton!

She was very modest, but a tiara is one thing that can’t be hidden away. It’s beautiful to see our territory getting known, even if it is with more of the retired type.

Later that night I finally met another Sweetmeats, hitting I guess 3 out of 5 now. 
(At least the ones with "sweetened" blood in them....)

Like the rest of his family, he was more than interested to join in with the free lessons!

It actually got to a point with our “friendship” that Skittles had invited himself to our house the next day.

Perhaps he was looking for a good father figure? Since he had lost his own good father... 

Jessica allowed the boy in with no problem, to her the Sweetmeats where close to family to her. 

His intensity to try out my guitar ended up triggering the birth of my child (finally).

Jessica in the screams of pain was more than happy to finally have the baby after carrying for it so long.

It seemed to open our future medical student’s mind a bit though!

(Skittle takes after his parents quite a bit). 

Finally young Butter Cream Galleons (aka BC) was born into our modest home.

(When googled “Chocolate Galleons”, I ended up finding a bakery called “Cake Magic”, where they actually make chocolate galleons.... Yeah so names will be after cake or icing flavors that I find on their website. Personally if I ever go to England I may have to order a cake from there.)

Of course with a new little person in the house, met new furniture, I ended up having unsure feelings about.

After the birth and every one found their new footing, Rocky decided to show up wondering where his brother had wandered off to. My Jewel, seemed to approve of the gathering, we haven’t had this many guests over since our wedding party. 

Quite interesting conversations ended up happening during the gathering.

(While also appreciating any other guests to help keep the yard clean *cough*Amin*cough*). 

With the special event it wasn’t difficult to have an agreeable Jessica. Soon enough I had the good stuff brought out to make it truly a celebration!

Of course the boys preferred the hot tub over the drinks, staying for several hours to soak up the warmth in these colder days.

 (Brandon was another victim....)

After everyone left and when the day came up once more, Jessica and I continued on our skilling, both of us wanted to get far in our own pursuits. 

There was also break time though for my jewel! After all she worked herself pretty hard during the pregnancy. 

Along with the Sweetmeats always coming by to check out the warm bubbles we had in the back yard.

(Chocolate can’t really blame them... since it is winter!)

After relaxing my jewel also taking time in our Jacuzzi, she set off to a plan of her own, since we were able to get Step by Dreams close to my goal along with the good amount of money we had around. 

Sweetmeaton Territory finally has its very own restaurant now!
My dear Jessica was finally able to work on her goals to become a chef, first she had to show the world that a career of becoming a chef is possible, even in the middle of a flower bed, like Sweetmeaton.

(No my building skills didn’t greatly improve, I just wanted to get a good look at a modern designed building so I did a stop at modthesims. This grand restaurant can be found under the name iESmedia and is called Avalon Avenue’s Modern CafĂ©. – quite small and interesting place for me to have my first eating place.)

Since of little BC at home, I had to stay home while Jessica worked her wonders to find souls who would actually work for her and stick around through the bumps.

She figured young teenagers might help quite a bit.

(I mean true fully it wasn’t like it was too difficult, just depends if they where worthy enough....)

My dear jewel of course took the place of a cook. 

My jewel chose the younger Ivy, as the wonderful host.

Sophie was the timid waitress.

Soon as the doors opened, a Sweetmeats was more than ready to eat what my beautiful wife could end up making him.

Close to the end of the day, my jewel realized she could dabble into Sweetmeaton’s future university funds to get uniforms for the girls and herself. To make things look professional...

(Ignore the sky, that’s not supposed to be there. This building is a bit hard when it comes to picture taking, defiantly getting some ideas though).

When my darling Jessica came back home with her bill, let’s just say the earnings from the restaurant made my bad days look like a vacation with Basic Furnishings. Even though I knew she had no reason for harm, and was dead tired from working all day, I requested a few hours to hit up the Museum. After all we still need to get it to the point where we can call it “Sweetmeaton’s Official Museum”.

The job ended up being more like a distraction, and a way to hopefully fill up the loss that she gained that day.

(First time I’ve seen this in game, usually sims are trying to make fights like how Ivy and Candy always do when they are on an uncontrollable lot. This makes me feel happy that somewhere in their coding autonomous love can happen between two sims!)

Let’s just say the time I had to myself was more than enough therapy to go back to my loving family.

(Bubble machine, an interactive fun bit to learn about different cultures in the Sweetmeaton Museum....) 

I came home to seeing my wife welcoming interesting sims into our house, seems like she got a bit bored when I left her alone.

Let’s just say her process of making friends was interesting, by giving her best cuisine tips forcefully seemed to be her route for the day.

(Because of fortune sim, and fortune secondary, these guys are going to have several sculptures popping up everywhere! Just because that’s one of their top wants all the time! With also being the want that makes sense half the time...)

She even got a Sweetmeats into the trouble, he must enjoy my wife as much as I do by how long he sat and watched her talking. (Note to self: Keep an eye on that local flirt).

Of course my Jewel’s favorite boy at the moment was more like our little BC (is what I fondly call him, while Jessica tends to use his full name Butter Cream. Kind of a mouthful for me, but she just says it rolls right off of her tongue. Oh well, I’ll just keep it straight forward here.)

Jessica kept working hard on the latest recipe she is able to find for herself, while I kept my fingers calloused with a good few songs.

Soon enough I knew I mastered the skill of Creativity, nothing could stop me now with my goals of being a dance!

The next day I was finally able to get my first job with a dance company! A short drive away no less! Jessica made sure to give me a kiss for good luck (not like I really needed it though.)

While I was at work I found out the elderly royal had stopped by.

My jewel didn’t say much on what exactly the visit was about, but it must have been interesting enough at the time. 

I guess the Royal had a good enough time, since my Jewel said she knew they would probably talk again

Well the woman did stay around when I came back.

(I illegally used the carpool just because I wanted to use the carpool. Who knew you would miss using the carpool? Well I figured this is the Galleons, tell them not to do something they’ll do it even more.)

Work went great (as I always dreamed), but not as great as the party that we setup!

The special occasion was finally young BC’s birthday! Our little tyke was going to become a toddler!
We invited the Sweetmeats we knew and figured Kennedy would like to join in!

(Don’t ask me how Kennedy got here, I don’t remember). 

What bigger celebration can you ask for your only little one!

(First birthday party in Sweetmeaton!) ­

Soon enough I had a true cutie in my arms! This young man for sure had me successfully wrapped in his little finger. 

Though when the cake was cut, it seemed like everyone had their own interests for this evening.

Perhaps it was the rain that had everyone run off... Very warm winter, I guess it was better than the usual snow.
While my young man surprised me when he told me he wanted me to read him a book, of course it came out as “groof”. Though an enthusiasm for books was more then something to keep my eye on as he grows. 

(I could not remember who knocked these over, and of course this dude is the betrayer on camera no less... He looks too happy. I guess Mother like son...)

Even in the rain little BC and I had some good bonding time over the latest “Candy Land” book.

In the end though, nature seemed to get in the way... 

Luckily he was an easy trooper, it was an event though that I would hope we could avoid in the near future.

Rest of the evening continued with asking for a helping hand, along with other good things.

(I was so not hoping this would end badly... just thinking now I should have helped by letting him enjoy the cool rain as he worked hard on this...)

The party was good, but again I really need to keep an eye on this kid. He seemed to pull the cards too well, along with throwing one too many chips to be returned later. 

To help our son a bit more, I put my finger back into some resources to help get my son one of the top things that should help him succeed early on in life.

Though personally I was worried on how quickly the stuff was going through his system... At least he was learning everything he needed with even though my Jewel was extra busy, and I was working on my career like always. 

Well at least where all happy, though I didn’t notice how we were trying to fit ourselves into our small house... 

(Best family picture, that I’m not sure if I did on purpose!)

Sweetmeaton Scorecard
Electrocution: 2
Burglars: 3
Fire: 4
Own Community Lots: 5
Sims: 9
SM: 3
Pop: 27
Graves: 1
Unused CAS:1
Used CAS: 2
Universities: 0
Business Districts: 0
Downtowns: 0

Job Openings:
          -Law Enforcement: 2